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All individual visitor information will be used exclusively by Just Maui Weddings™. It is not Just Maui Weddings™'s intention to share this information with third parties. Just Maui Weddings™ may capture implicit information from users who visit our web site for aggregate statistical analysis and site customization. Implicit information is data that we can gather about site visitors without their explicit participation in the data entry process. Importantly, aggregate statistical analysis means that Just Maui Weddings™ reviews trends based on information as a whole, but does not do so in an effort to identify the individual identity of the visitor to its site. Specific examples of the kind of implicit information tracked are IP addresses, domain name, referring URL, browser type, platform type, onsite clickstream. IP addresses may be logged to track a user's session. An IP address is the unique numerical identity of your computer. When we "log" an IP address, it means that our web site associates a visit or series of visits to that unique numerical identity. Just Maui Weddings™ may also use cookies in order to assist in aggregate statistical analysis and sometimes provide site customization based on anonymous session tracking. In other words, Just Maui Weddings™ uses cookies to determine trends for users as a whole, but not as means to learn about your individual identity. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to determine the actual identity of users. On their own, they can be used to identify a computer, but not who is using that computer. Because of this, if Just Maui Weddings™ customizes the site based on cookies, we won't know who you are unless you tell us. Just Maui Weddings™ collects the visitor's domain name (e.g., whether the user is logged on from, referral data (e.g. we record the last URL a user visited prior to clicking to, as well as browser and platform type (e.g., a Microsoft browser on a Macintosh platform). We also count, track, and aggregate the visitor's activity into our analysis of general traffic flows at our sites (e.g., tracking where traffic comes from, how traffic flows within When and if Just Maui Weddings™ does present aggregated information to outside companies, no one would be able to identify you or contact you.